at least that is our goal! Berkley & Beckham started swim lessons today, so I will have to keep you updated on their progress. They are taking at the same place that they did last year. We were extremely pleased last year, but we waited until the end of the summer; so they didn't have much time to practice what they had learned. Now that almost a year has gone by we decided they would benefit from a "refresher" course. Last year at the end of Berkley's lessons she was jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side of the pool all by herself! Beckham has always been fearless and a wild man in the water, but at least the lessons last year calmed him down some and taught him about "blowing bubbles" under the water and keeping his mouth closed. (Although this is a concept he has seemed to have forgotten!) Overall, we were very pleased with all that they learned which is why we are back at the same spot this year. There are only 2 things that aren't so great about The Dive Spot: 1) all of the kids are asked to wear goggles in their lessons... and not just any goggles, but a particular kind that they sell at their swim store, which are not exactly cheap nor flattering on your child's face! 2) children under 3 must be in the parent/tot class, which means Beckham must have mommy or daddy ready to swim with him. (Last year Matt got to be the parent since I was big and pregnant, but I'm not sure I have an excuse this year!) The only thing that really matters though is that our kids were SO excited for their swim lessons to start today and even more excited to wear those goggles!!!
Berkley got to swim first since her lesson was in the morning. Here she is ready to swim... goggles and all!

Beckham's lesson wasn't until 5:15. He had a hard time understanding why we left the pool this morning after Berkley's lesson without his turn. We assured him we would be back later for his lesson. By the time 5:15 rolled around, he was more than ready to be there. The instructors take each child's picture in front of this painted mural that makes the child look like they are in the ocean. I missed Berkley's picture in front of it, but I was able to catch Beckham. What a pose!

Beckham waited patiently with daddy while he listened to some instructions. Yes, that is right, daddy was the lucky swim parent today!
Berkley, Brenner and I had to pass the time while Beckham and daddy were swimming. Luckily, there is a swingset at The Dive Spot. Brenner was satisfied.

We also took a shot in front of the painted mural for fun. Brenner wanted to take a peak under the ocean too... especially since he is getting short-changed on the swim lessons!

Berkley and Beckham have completed 1 of 8 swim lessons successfully. There were a couple of kids who were crying and very unhappy to be there, so I am very thankful that my b's have fun in the water and are ready to learn!
Hurray for swim lessons!!! Dude the goggles are crackin me up! What in the world?!? Who designed those?
So sad to be missing out. The timing just didn't work for us. Hopefully we will get in some lessons by the end of the summer. Love the goggle pose by Beckham in front of the mural. Made me laugh!
I miss the Dive Spot - but not those goggles! In fact - we had to get a new pair. A nice subtle LIME GREEN!!! We couldn't find the same ones anywhere here in CC, so Carson picked them out for his buddy! Ty seems to equate goggles with his swimming skills. No goggles = forgetting how to swim! SO we wear them and we have a nice relaxing day at the pool! The price you pay for security!? Your kids are too cute in theirs! ;)
Looks like your summer has started out to be lots and lots of fun!! I hope we get to see you guys this summer!
I think I would say that Brenner was more than satisfied with that swing...what cuties!! Y'all are so blessed, Friend!
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