24 July, 2008

a pirate or a princess?

Berkley likes to dress up and we all know that she LOVES to dance. The two now go hand in hand. Fortunately for Berkley, her Marmie never gets rid of anything! Therefore, Marmie was able to give Berkley several ballet costumes that my sister and I wore over the years. She really enjoys dressing up in them and putting on performances... especially when she has a captive audience!
You would think since Beckham's heart is always set on boots and cowboy hats that there would be no room for ballet shoes and tutus... WRONG!!! I guess this is what happens when your older sibling is a girly girl. It all seems to have started when Beckham found Berkley's play make-up one day along with her toy hairdryer that really makes noise. He loved turning it on and off. And the make-up... well, it was definitely an easy way to make a mess; which is always fun, right?

Here is the little man testing out the dryer. Very proud of his artwork on his face!
As Berkley began to dress up more and more, Beckham wanted to do the same. (Doesn't every kid brother want to be like their big sister?!?) Unfortunately, we owned no boy costumes. It was all tutus and sequins. Beckham didn't care, he just wanted to put something on like Berkley. And he still loved using the hairdryer while Berkley was adding all of her accessories to her costume.Okay, so this pose is definitely not the most macho!!!Beckham continued to always want to dress up with Berkley. Daddy & JT began to think this might not be such a great idea. It was cute and innocent, but we decided he needed some boy costumes to dress up in. (However, costumes are pretty hard to come by unless it is Halloween!) Marmie, however, showed up one day with a surprise for Beckham... a pirate costume!!! He seemed pretty interested in it... especially since he had just seen his new hero, Ty, in pirate pants the weekend before. Within a day or two, Berkley felt the need for a performance. Beckham immediately followed Berkley into her room to dress up. I reminded him that he had a new costume to put on. Berkley had decided to be a princess, so I told Beckham that he got to be the pirate. It would be perfect! Although he seemed unsure at first, he willingly put on his entire pirate costume. He smiled and seemed to be a very proud pirate.

The proud pirate with his princess... Beckham even gave me his very best pirate face... ARRRGH!Beckham made a great pirate. Berkley most definitely made a perfect princess. It was absolutely perfect... for a moment. I walked into the living room to put something away and was quickly greeted by my princesses... yes PLURAL... within minutes of leaving Berkley's room. My little pirate man wasn't satisfied with his costume. Nope! He wanted the pink tutu.

Ready to conquer the world with his fairy wand. Who needs a sword?
I've decided my little man is just being a great little brother to his beloved big sister... so pirate or princess... it is perfect either way! (At least for now!)


Teri said...

I am laughing out loud at Beckham! I bet Matt was thrilled, to say the least. Too funny! We might have to send some of Ty's old costumes your way! Oh the memories...

Erin said...

oh my gosh....that is SO funny!!! Poor Matt....he is probably shaking his head...hee hee....

Anonymous said...

Oh man Im laughing out loud too! I can just see Matt's face..."He what?!?" Yikes!

I'll be sure to hide this post from Shane for fear he will burn all of Bella's girly things just in case Gunnar should take a liking!

Last year I bought Bella several dress up outfits at Old Navy after Halloween for about $1!

Lisa Mae said...

Cole can't play with Beckham anymore. Jeff

Lisa Mae said...

I foresee these pics being used in Beckham's future (graduation or wedding)......

amerriman said...

I loved catching up with your family. Your children are adorable. They are growing so fast. Tell Matt I said "hello". I am looking forward to reading and watching your children grow!