Today was Brenner's turn to go back to school and he was ready. We were a little unsure how he would feel about going back to school this year, because most of his friends from his class last year were moving up to preK so they can head on to Kindergarten next year. Since Brenner's birthday is not until September this was not an option for Brenner. He will be repeating his early preK class (which he got in last year only because they made an exception) and will head to preK next year. Although he has the same teacher, who is absolutely amazing, we have been a little concerned that once he got in his classroom and realized his friends really weren't there that he might lose some of his excitement. We have been talking about it with him all summer to prepare him. His sweet teacher even called us a few weeks ago when she was getting the classroom ready to give Brenner a chance to pick out his "symbol" on his own since he is the only student returning to her class. Brenner picked the whale, and we have been talking it up big time. We keep telling him that the whale is the biggest animal in the ocean just like he is the biggest and oldest kid in his class. I guess all of that hype has worked, because he was all smiles this morning! (And he was brushing his smiley teeth he got some toothpaste all over his nice, clean shirt. So that explains the water spots!)
Our little "whale" was definitely feeling really big when we got to his school.
He was happy to pose with Daddy.
And Mommy was able to sneak in a picture with the little man before we headed inside.
Brenner quickly found the whale with his name on it, and he was so proud. He loved that he had the first hook. Since he was familiar with this classroom and the morning routine, he knew exactly what to do. And as soon as he finished putting his things away in the hall he marched into his classroom without turning back.
Of course Mommy called him back for a hug and kiss, but he made it quick. After all, he was the big man in class and I think he felt his duty calling. He was prepared to have a whale of a day!!! (And I'm proud to report that I think he did.)
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