Brenner has been 2 for a few weeks now, and I knew the time had come to "cut the curls!" The only haircut Brenner has had up to this point in his life is a few trims to his bangs when they really started to get in his face. Matt had agreed to let me wait until his 2nd birthday to give him a true haircut, but as his hair grew Matt began to wish he hadn't made that agreement with me. We finally got to the point that rarely a day went by without Brenner being called a girl. (Obviously people don't pay attention to the clothes he was wearing!!! Give me a break! When was the last time you saw a girl prancing around in camo pants with a bright orange shirt or a blue polo with khakis or even khaki shorts with critters printed on them?!?) So, it was time for me to face one of my biggest fears... to cut the curls with full realization that they might be gone forever!!! Of course, I also realized that his hair was beginning to look a little "Fabio-ish" so I truly knew it was time. I mean I realize that your little boy's hair is probably not supposed to swing in the air behind him like a super-model turning on the catwalk...
And the curls were definitely beginning to trickle down his back! (And when his hair gets wet... well we have a full blown mullet!)
You can only imagine how long his hair really is when you straighten out these curls!
So...the appointment was made. For all 3 boys in fact! Beckham decided to go first so he could show his brother how it was done.
Brenner watched with Daddy and seemed to be excited about his turn at this point.
The excitement was short-lived however. Once it was Brenner's turn he wanted nothing to do with sitting in the seat, so Daddy had to sit with him. Even then he wouldn't face the mirrors. He wanted to lay his head up against Matt, putting him in a pretty tough position for a haircut!
Halsa tried to maneuver around Brenner as best she could to find a starting point.
Going in for the first cut...
Bye-bye girl curls!! This was the first pile Halsa collected for me.
Brenner wasn't a fan at first of losing his curls either...we needed something to distract him! Berkley came up with a great solution...
The more Brenner sucked on his sucker, the more distracted he got. He slowly moved his head up off of Matt's chest, which made it much easier for Halsa to give him an even haircut.
By the end of his haircut his sucker had been worked over pretty well!
And his hair had been worked over a little too, but to my surprise he was able to hang on to some curls...
But they are "manly curls" for sure. He definitely looks more grown up. (Okay so it might help if the pacifier wasn't stuck in his mouth but whatever!)
Overall the process went fairly smooth for everyone. Brenner made it through with a sucker and Mommy made it through too realizing those curls might just stick around a little longer!