03 July, 2009

bye-bye floaties

It is hard to believe that swim lessons are officially over. Berkley and Beckham had their final lesson yesterday. They got a chance to show off some of their new skills. Beckham loves the water, and he was very excited each day to jump in the pool.
One of his best buddies, Luke, took lessons with him. They had a great time together.

Miss Mary Margaret gave Beckham a certificate to show his completion of swim lessons and to recognize all of the things he learned!

Berkley took her lesson after Beckham, but she was always ready to watch Beckham and cheer him on.

Brenner enjoyed being at the pool for his brother and sister's lessons too. Most days he got to play in the baby pool, but for the last day he just got to watch the performances!

Beckham absolutely loved jumping off the diving board. He would have done it all day long!

And with such amazing form... or at least style!!!

He did a great job swimming back to the side too. He really learned great form this summer!

He was really proud of himself, and with much reason to be. He did a great job!

Supportive siblings...

Then it was Berkley's turn to get her certificate. She was feeling pretty proud of herself too for her accomplishments!

Berkley also enjoyed jumping off the diving board this summer. She was very comfortable doing it, and she too put her own style into it!

Her form improved a great deal this year. We are so proud of her!
And she might be pretty pleased too!Berkley did a great job in swim lessons this year... even without knowing anyone in her lesson. She had a terrific class and a fabulous teacher.
After watching two final lessons, Brenner was very concerned why he hadn't gotten his chance in the pool. After all, he could only play with his sweet friend Grace for so long without noticing that he was the only one who hadn't gotten to swim!!!
So... he got his chance when the lessons were over and he loved every minute of it.
He was definitely proud of himself! After all, he hadn't even had lessons!!! Those will definitely be coming next year.

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