Tonight was
Beckham's first soccer practice. He has been SO excited about getting to play soccer this Spring. He has watched Berkley get to go to ballet lessons each week and has seen her in her recitals, and I think he was ready for his turn to do something special. (Mommy & Daddy are happy too, now that
Beckham has other interests and is excited to dress up as a football player, cowboy, pirate, golfer and now soccer player instead of a ballerina!!!)
This past Saturday we spent the morning searching for soccer cleats, shin guards, soccer socks and shorts. We thought this would be a one-stop trip, but we were very wrong. It turns out most people must buy their soccer gear a little earlier than the weekend before soccer season begins!!! Everything was so picked over, and it was especially hard to find
Beckham's size in anything. However, after many trips around town, we finally found everything we needed for our little soccer star. He has put his cleats and shin guards on with his shorts every day since we got them. Tonight he was especially excited to put them on, because he knew it was for the real deal. The day of his first soccer practice had arrived, and he was ready!
His team is pretty much made up of a bunch of his friends. One of our good friends from our Life Group at church got the team organized and invited all of the kids in our group to participate. The team is organized through the YMCA and you have to be 3 years old to play. Beckham was really glad that he was finally old enough to play something.
I wasn't sure what to expect for the first soccer practice... especially with eight 3-year-olds!!! Matt helped out, along with a couple of the other dads, and they amazingly got the kids to do a few drills! Beckham did a good job following directions and listening. He took it serious for the most part. He did a great job waiting his turn in line to practice kicking the ball into the goal.
He was quick to get in his spot while the coaches tried to get the team in a circle for a drill.
He also did a great job working with his "buddy" Luke. They have so much fun together!
I did notice, however, that he had some "issues" of some kind going on with his soccer shorts.
We might have to get this under control before the first soccer game!
Beckham had an absolute blast at soccer practice. He had so much fun playing soccer and being with his friends. When practice was over, he wasn't ready for it to end. He and his sweet friend, Trinity, practiced together more with Matt. They were pretty proud of themselves!
I'm not sure what Beckham's first game will be like, but I am pretty sure that he is going to LOVE that too. It was so fun watching Beckham tonight. Every time I looked at him, it was evident how much fun he was having. I'm not sure if he will have all the moves or skills that David Beckham has, but I am positive that he thinks he does!!! And really, in the end, I guess that is all that matters.
Here is to an exciting soccer season ahead of us!