11 February, 2010

back to bloggin'

Well...it has been a LONG time since I have posted anything. As the time passed, the thought of trying to play "catch-up" kept me away from my blog altogether. The new year came and I thought I would make a resolution to get my blog updated, but as Valentine's Day approaches it obviously didn't happen! It has taken a lazy snow day to get me motivated. The kids are all at school, I am stuck at home waiting on some workers to come fix our playroom carpet, snow is steadily coming down outside blanketing our yard, and somehow sitting at the computer with a warm cup of coffee sounds quite enjoyable. So...here I go again. I will begin to "update" my blog. I'm going to try my best in the future to get all of our activities "in order" by date, but for now I'm just going to work on getting them posted. The organizing can come later, right?


Lisa Mae said...

that is right girl! welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Welcome back! I've missed you! :)