24 January, 2009

one serious photo session

Our family was recently invited to be a part of a special surprise tribute honoring Dr. Tadvick, my OB/GYN who delivered all three of my little Bs. I accepted the invitation without hesitation. Dr. Tadvick has been such a blessing to my family, I am honored to get a chance to bring blessing to him. Part of the assignment for each family was to write a letter to Dr. Tadvick expressing our gratitude towards him. We were also assigned a time for our children to get their picture taken by a local photographer helping out with this project. All of the letters collected from each of the families participating, along with all of the pictures taken of the children, will be compiled into a book that will be presented to Dr. Tadvick in few weeks. (This is a big surprise, so those of you who are patients of his... don't spill the beans!)

Our scheduled photo session was last Saturday afternoon. We met the photographer at Jacob's Ladder on the ACU campus. (A very impressive sight by the way if you have not seen it.) It was an absolutely beautiful day. The sun was shining. It wasn't too cold. And the kids were all in terrific moods. The scenario couldn't have been better for a photo session... especially since this one was supposed to be pretty quick. After all, the photographer only needed one good picture of the kids. That wouldn't be too hard. Right?

We sat the kids down and got them ready for the picture. They were all smiles... that is until Brenner spotted the photographer. Immediately his smile turned to a face of concern. He began inspecting the situation he had been put in, studying this strange lady smiling at him.
Berkley and Beckham continued flashing their big smiles, while Brenner's face became more intense with each picture taken.
Matt and I were jumping up and down, playing peek-a-boo behind the photographer, making funny faces... nothing. Brenner would not crack a smile. He was so serious. I began to wonder what was going on inside that little mind of his.
Once the photographer realized we weren't going to get a smile out of Brenner, she moved on to individual shots. Berkley got to go first and loved every minute of it!
Beckham did a great job too. He actually kind of seemed to enjoy it.
Brenner's turn didn't go so well.
So... Matt tried his best to get him smiling again, instead of crying. He succeeded.
He even got him laughing!!!
Now we just had to keep him happy while the photographer captured it! However, he just didn't want anything to do with this poor photographer. This was the closest we got to a smiling picture of Brenner... in his daddy's arms!
We finished the photo session agreeing with the photographer that we did our best. She looked at a few pictures she had taken and felt that she could find one that would work. After finishing with her, I had a bright idea that I needed to have my own photo shoot with the kids. After all, they were all dressed nicely, the day was beautiful, and they were still in fairly good moods. I figured Brenner might be more willing to smile too since the strange woman had disappeared. I figured wrong.
The smiles finally came, however... once he was FREE!!!In the end, I think this picture pretty much sums up our photo session.
"FAIL NOT!" Our little man's stubbornness prevailed. He wasn't going to let a smile out for anything. Especially not for the strange lady with the camera in his face.
We are planning to take some more family pictures in a couple of weeks with another photographer. I'm really looking forward to that now! :)

22 January, 2009

blue skies mend a broken heart

five year old girls. drama. hurt feelings. I knew Berkley would soon be a part of all of this, and yesterday she was. The past month Berkley and her friends at school have gotten very busy loading up their social calendars. It seems that during their day at school all of the girls will make a plan as to where they will be playing and who they will be playing with after school. Then at the end of the day when all of the mommies come to pick them up, we are swarmed with pleas begging to go play here or have this friend come play at our house. It has actually gotten really exhausting. I have been working on explaining to Berkley that she cannot have a playdate EVERY day. Although she has still not completely grasped that concept, simply not understanding why I wouldn't want her to be able to play with her friends ALL the time; she has gotten better at trying to discuss her desired social calendar with me ahead of time. We have decided that it is much better to plan playdates and discuss them with the mommies, before anything is decided for sure. Yesterday, however, Berkley did not make it into her friend's "plans."

I arrived at school just a minute or two late. Berkley was waiting by the flagpole with her teacher and a few other classmates, but all of her girlfriends were already gone. As soon as she saw me, she ran towards me and flew her arms around me. I didn't think anything of it, because most days she runs up to me and gives me a big hug to greet me. (Which I absolutely LOVE. I have heard she might not do this when I pick her up from middle school!!!) The big hug, however, grew tighter and tighter. When I looked down to ask her how her day was... I didn't have to ask. I realized she was sobbing. I scooped her up and carried her to the car as her cry grew louder and louder. I noticed two of her friends loading up in a car together and I immediately knew what had happened. Today Berkley was the friend that was left out.

I had seen this scenario play out just a week ago. Berkley was invited to play with her friend, Kaitlyn. I helped her load up into Kaitlyn's car to send her on her way. As I walked back to my car I noticed another one of their friends still waiting by the flagpole for her mommy. She had been left out of the plans that day, and she was crying with all of her might. I quickly realized what had happened and knew that I needed to talk to Berkley about this. Unfortunately, by the time I saw Berkley again I had completely forgotten about the sad scenario I had witnessed.

Now it was Berkley's turn to be the friend that wasn't invited. She was the one who had an empty social calendar for the day. She was now on the yucky side of all of this girl drama and her feelings were hurt. Her little heart was broken.

As I loaded her into the car, I began trying to explain what had happened. I assured her that her friends were not leaving her out on purpose. I took this opportunity to tell her the story of what happened to her sweet friend last week who was the one left out. I told her that this was something that was going to happen sometimes. I broke the news to her that it would happen again and that her feelings would be hurt many times. That was part of having so many great friends. Everyone wants to play together and fill their little social calendars, but sometimes friends get left out. I reminded her again why it was so much better to make plans ahead of time. This way she and her friends could look forward to their upcoming playdates. Although I thought this "pep talk" sounded good, nothing changed the fact that in this moment my little girl's heart was still broken and it needed mending.

As I drove home looking at her sad face in the rear view mirror, my heart broke as well. I know as a parent you cannot always protect your children, but it is so hard to see them upset. I began to feel the warmth of the sun shining upon me in the car. I realized what a beautiful day it was outside, and I quickly decided that we needed to enjoy it. After all, blue skies and bright sunshine can brighten any one's day... right?!? So, we went home to change our clothes and headed off to the playground to enjoy the beautiful day.

In no time at all the kids found the swings. Soon Berkley was swinging through the air, her hair blowing in the breeze. She was laughing as she swung higher and higher. It was nice to see her beautiful, big smile once again.
Beckham had a great time on the swings as well. He loves to swing high. In fact, when I wasn't pushing him fast enough he would tell me, "Mommy, I'm losing my air!"Brenner enjoyed swinging the most. As soon as you sit him in a swing he starts smiling.Berkley took a break from swinging and pushed Brenner for a while. He absolutely loved it!In fact, he laughed the whole time Berkley was pushing him!Once we finished swinging, we headed to the slide. Brenner had so much fun sliding down with his big sister and big brother. He was feeling really big! (And so was Berkley, since she was such a helper!)We did a little exploring on the playground. Berkley stopped for a photo opportunity.Beckham had to have a turn as well.Brenner seemed to really enjoy his freedom to explore too. He is getting so big, and he knows it!After almost an hour at the playground, I decided it was probably time to go. It was such a beautiful day though, I hated for our fun to end. I quickly remembered how Matt and I have always agreed since the time we got married that "ice cream makes everything better!" So, I suggested we head to Coldstone for a yummy treat. The blue skies had already seemed to mend Berkley's little broken heart, but having a little ice cream could only make things even better! We all picked mint ice cream with oreos. That will bring a smile to any one's face! Berkley took this picture of Brenner and I sharing our ice cream. Brenner was too busy devouring our bowl to stop and smile for the camera!! (Berkley took a picture of Beckham too, but it didn't turn out. Trust me... he was all smiles!)
When we got home Berkley said, "That was SO much funner than going to a friend's house!" My heart melted, because I agreed with her. It was so much "funner" than anything else I could have been doing either. My little Bs and I had a fabulous afternoon just hanging out with each other. I think there are way too many days where the busyness of life gets in the way and we miss the opportunity to enjoy the blue skies and bright days that the Lord blesses us with. And even though I realize I won't always be able to "mend" my children's hearts when they break with a simple trip to the playground or a yummy bowl of ice cream, I do realize how special this time is that I have with my kids and I want to cherish every second!

19 January, 2009

can't top this "big top"

Our entire family attended a birthday party yesterday afternoon that was unbelievable!!! It was a circus theme party for Luke and Wyatt, twin boys in Berkley's preschool class... their fifth birthday I might add. (As soon as we arrived, Matt asked me what I thought these guys would have for their 16th birthday!!! You will soon understand why.) Truly, I have never seen a birthday party quite like this one. In fact, I have not been to the circus for quite sometime, but I would bet this party came pretty close to topping one. Especially a circus that comes to Abilene!!
At first Berkley and I were going to go to the party by ourselves and leave the boys at home. The party began at 2:00, which is naptime for everyone. For some reason at the last minute I remembered that Luke and Wyatt's mom had invited all of us to the party. Berkley and I had been to their birthday party last year... which was very impressive, so I told Matt that we should all go. I knew the boys would have fun too, and it would give us a chance to have some fun as a family. (Especially since Matt has been working so hard lately!) I never imagined ALL of us would have SO MUCH FUN!!!
As soon as we drove up and spotted the huge tent in their front yard, we knew we were in for a treat. Matt quickly spotted the camels hanging out in the front yard as well. Definitely something you don't see everyday! As we walked up to the tent our faces were simply in amazement. This "big top" was full of any kid's dream. There was a popcorn machine, snow cone machine, and a cotton candy machine. Of course, their were also hot dogs and big, giant pickles. Matt and I looked at each other and just laughed in amazement. (So Berkley's carnival birthday party might not have been quite this good!)

Berkley's friends quickly spotted her and ran up to her with excitement all over their faces... along with amazing "artwork." They had just visited one of the clowns who was face painting. This wasn't your average balloon bouquet, heart, or butterfly kind of stuff either. They looked like they were about to march in a Mardi Gras parade! Berkley quickly ran off with them to get her face painted as well.
Of course, she had to grab a quick snow cone too while she waited in line. How is this for some face painting?
Berkley wanted a butterfly just like her friend, Annabelle. (They already had on the same shirts, it only made sense to have matching art on their face!)
Meanwhile, Beckham and Brenner spotted the camels and were in absolute amazement. Matt took the boys over to check them out. Beckham took a ride on one and LOVED it. Unfortunately, the camera and I were with Berkley getting her face painted, so I missed my photo opportunity. Berkley and I did head on over to see the camels when we finished. She wanted to ride too. (I mean, are you kidding? Who gets to ride a camel at a birthday party?)

I do have to say, the camels did look quite friendly. He almost looked like he was calling us on over.
Surprisingly, Berkley did not hesitate at all. She was all smiles and ready for a ride.
What are the neighbors thinking as they see this passing in front of their house? (And are they questioning the camel more or the strange man leading it?)
Although I missed Beckham's ride up on the camel, I did get a great picture of him checking the camel out. In fact, the camel quickly became interested in Beckham's big box of popcorn. The "camel man" quickly escorted him back over to the line.
While one of the camels rested, Brenner and Daddy got a chance to check him out closer.
Brenner was interested, but didn't want to pet him.
Since Brenner was a little too tiny to ride the camel, he found something a little more his speed.
He was pretty serious for the majority of his ride, but I think he enjoyed it.There was also a petting zoo set up for the party. Beckham really liked this.
He really wanted to pick up one of the babies, but they seemed to always get away!
Hobo, the monkey was a big hit too.
I found out that he will soon be famous. He is scheduled to perform in a Barney video.
The party ended with a magic show performed by one of the clowns under the tent. All of the kids gathered to watch in amazement.
Maggie the clown was actually very entertaining. Her show was at least 30 minutes, but she kept the children's attention quite well.
She ended her show performing as a ventriloquist. She was actually really good and really funny.
She got Beckham laughing... no doubt about it!Brenner wasn't very impressed. He found something much more entertaining during the show.Yes...fresh popped popcorn! Could it get any better? Only when you have the box ALL TO YOURSELF!
We ended up being at the party much longer than we had anticipated. We didn't have a clue what was in store for us. Obviously, no one got a nap yesterday... but it was totally worth it. We all had so much fun and truly felt like we had been at the circus. Thanks so much to Luke and Wyatt for inviting us all to celebrate such a fun day with them. Now we just have to make sure we get invited again next year!!!

02 January, 2009

like a good neighbor...

Matt Paul is there!!!

It is official! Today is Matt's first day as a State Farm agent in Clyde, Texas. We are so excited about this opportunity and the adventure that lies ahead. We know the Lord opened this door for us, and we pray His blessings upon our agency. We would appreciate your prayers and support.